
Strategy Description: This is an intraday Strategy on BankNIFTY and NIFTY
Weekly Options.
Entry: It sells intraday BankNIFTY options and NIFTY options with stoploss and also buy the options back sometimes.

Strategy Details

It will sell intraday BankNIFTY ATM options at 9:20 AM. It will have two stop losses –


Current Open Positions


SEBI has released circular no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOP/P/CIR/2022/117 on September 02, 2022, regarding the performance/returns claimed by unregulated platforms providing algorithmic trading strategies, imposing restrictions on disclosing past performance or anticipated returns of any strategy. Due to slippage and varying costs (e.g., different brokerage fees), strategy returns exhibit significant fluctuations. That’s why, we are presenting backtested benchmark results instead.

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Why Dumb Straddle?

This is called Dumb Straddle Strategy because it looks like a too simple strategy based on Straddle.
It was supposed to sell sell intraday ATM options at the start of the market but since inception it is selling 5 minutes after the market start i.e. 9:20 AM to avoid the maddening volatility of market start.
Currently, brokers initiate an automatic square-off process 30 minutes before the market closes, precisely at 15:00. This timing aligns with the heightened volatility observed during the market’s final half-hour. That’s why, we set our reference time at 14:50.